วันศุกร์ที่ 26 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Preschool Art Projects - Under the Sea

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Under the Sea

No pre-school curriculum is complete without a series of artistic projects. Arts and crafts give children a way to express themselves creatively, as well as allowing them to develop motor skills, such as cutting, pasting and drawing. Some issues, like the sea and the creatures that live in it, fit perfectly with art projects kindergarten.

Ocean life forms is the fun and colors that are replicated in these pre-school trackArt Projects. First, here is a project to provide children with the animals ocean of glass with colored tissue paper or wax paper and contact details.

See the books to be inspired by the ocean and its creatures, before the children of their own sea creature forms of contact paper or waxed paper. Once they have reduced their shape, decorate the shapes with tissue paper to create a glass effect. Remember to use it, glue, wax paper, whenused.

Build your own personal aquarium!

Organized in cooperation with the theme of ocean life, a trip to watch a local zoo or aquarium fish in their habitat. After the hike, try one of these preschool art projects on fish and aquariums.

Children can make an aquarium from a paper plate paper plate or a tray of meat in styrofoam. First, draw a blue line around three quarters of the way of the plate or tray of meat, and paint the area under the blue line. After the colorhas dried, the children can decorate their aquariums with fish and other marine life with paint, construction paper, newspaper clippings, yarn for algae basically left to their imagination run wild.

After the aquarium are sufficiently adorned, another paper plate or a tray of meat in front of the band Aquarium. Do not forget to cut a small hole in the top of the second plate or tray to create a hole that allows children to their tanks peer. Another possibility is a layer of adhesive tapeRepresented liquidation top compartment of the glass aquarium.

Here's another fun craft ocean life as "3-Dimensional Sea Creatures". To begin, give each child two forms of section of a creature of the ocean, or cut and their own creatures from construction paper. Encourage them to decorate the sea creatures with glitter, Googly eyes, paint, yarn, fabrics, or anything else in the room supply craft.

Once the animals are decorated to combine the two halvesand so the inside of the mold with cotton balls for an exciting 3-dimensional effect. If desired, tape a large sheet of blue paper on the wall, and all the provisions for its marine life in the water together.

Play meal

One of the most interesting creatures of the sea is the sea urchin. Children can create their own personal sea urchins plasticine and toothpicks. Play dough can be by combining 1 cup flour, 1 cup of warm water, 2Teaspoon cream of tartar, 1 teaspoon oil, ¼ cup of salt and food coloring.

Mix all ingredients over medium heat until the mixture is smooth. Take the pot off the stove, remove the dough and kneaded until it is completely mixed. Put the dough in an airtight container or sealed in plastic bags until use.

All these projects provide pre-school arts opportunities in many sectors, and providing the opportunity for imagination and creativity in the air. Enjoyand change, but it is necessary to encourage the participation of all your children.

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